Are you someone who has an innate drive to spring cleanse?
You may have found that the last few weeks you are craving lighter foods, clearing out your cupboards or even wanting to move in a different way. When you think about it, Spring is the perfect time to cleanse as it is nature’s new year – the trees are back in bloom, the sun is shining, we are in a period of transition not only seasonally but globally at the moment. It’s an opportunity to re-energise your routine and mindset, and assess what in your life is working – and what isn’t. It can help you let go of any habits or beliefs that are no longer serving you to make space for what is new and fresh.
The goal of spring cleaning/cleansing is to take your foot off the pedal and nourish your detox organs to allow them to reset and heal. Your main detoxification organs are the liver, kidney, bowels, skin and lungs.
So today I am going to go through my top tips for spring cleansing. These tips much like the Chiropractic principles are all about bringing the body back to baseline naturally through food, movement and mindset.
Cleansing can occur on whatever level that you want it to, you can go as superficial or deep as you like. So with that in mind let’s break down some simple tips that you can begin today to spring clean mind, body and soul.